
Lucy eats...

This messy face is attributed to her first tastes of rice cereal. She is not a fan. But how could i blame her? I wouldn't eat it.

We got a few smiles out of little L*, let these smiles not be mistaken with the thought that she enjoyed her first experience with food. Actually, i think it's safe to say that the experience itself wasn't a bad one. But that the first tastes of something other than mom's milk was not something worth smiling about.

Big sister, K*, made sure she was being fed, even if she didn't like it. In fact, K* has to eat a few things she doesn't like either [i.e. veggies].

L* would spit and pucker her lips so she wouldn't have to eat the horrid stuff.

Spit, puckered lips, messy face and still as darling as can be. It must be those ice blues.
Beauties, i tell ya.

We are moving on from rice cereal to green and orange veggies. I have a feeling she will like them. Crossing my fingers.


  1. im loving that second picture of her! i dont really think its that nasty..seriously..try it with apple juice..pretty tasty! hahaha

  2. I just stumbled across your blog. Your girls are so pretty! I love their beautiful blue eyes.

  3. Those eyes are rediculously beautiful! What a good little helper K* is!

  4. What beautiful little gals! And those eyes are to die for! Gorgeous!!!! Love you all. Aunt Linda xoxox

  5. cute! i love when the babids start eating.
    ps. your high chair is even pink, i think your doomed if you ever have a boy. lol.

  6. britt thanks for these pics they are the best love those eyes and her lips are so cute as well. love ya all dad
