
7 months...

I really cannot believe my BABY is already 7 months old! Where did the time go?
Lucy has been a complete joy. Took her in for her 6 month well check on March 22nd. She's growing at the same rate as her big sister. And we love it! Her little rolls and her chubby checks just make me melt! I love my chunky babies! As of a month ago her stats were:

Height: 27 3/4 inches tall - 95th %ile
Weight: 18.6 pounds - 95th %ile

A few days after her check-up i took the girls to the park and while K* played, i took a few shots of Lucy...The lighting was great and she was so happy!

Lucy sits like a pro.
She is usually very very happy.
She knows how to wave "hi."
She does not like being on her tummy.

She loves being outside.
She is a mama's girl.
She loves when her sister makes her laugh.
She gets annoyed by her sister often.

She likes to be held.
She loves to play with her toys.
She's shy.

She loves food.
She is strangely obsessed with the TV remote control.
She enjoys watching American idol.

She loves to touch faces.
She's learning how to clap.
She said "dada" for the first time yesterday.

Her eyes are to die for.
Her lips are pretty perfect.
And those cheeks, oh those cheeks.

She loves going on car rides.
She falls asleep in the car almost every time.
She loves to grab her feet... and occasionally put them in her mouth.

She laughs for no reason.
She hides her face in my shoulder when she gets shy.
She wakes up with a huge smile on her face.

She likes to be tickled.
She can go from laughing so hard to being completely serious in seconds.
She has 2 teeth (as of last week), which came a day apart from each other.

She loves to have multiple blankets over her when she goes to sleep.
She likes chewing on her binkys, or anything for that matter.

She smiles for the camera.
You can overload her with hugs and kisses and she would just love it!

She fake cries to get your attention.
She loves attention.

She is so sweet.
She still likes to cuddle.

She's my baby... and i want her to STOP growing up so fast.


  1. i agree, her eyes are to die for

  2. awww...gorgeous pics of that little sweet lucy

  3. Wow!!! Lucy is beautiful! Love those eyes and those lips! I wish you all lived closer. Love you all. Aunt Linda xoxox
