
Birthday Boy.

Happy Birthday Daniel!

Dan the Man turned 28 on April 21st. We had a small get together and by request, homemade brownies with mint chip ice cream, no cake. Hope you had a good day, babe!

28 things i love about the hub. [in no particular order]

1. He's so patient.
2. He's a great dad.
3. He makes me laugh.
4. He loves me so.
5. He's hot.
6. He's a hard worker.
7. He spoils me.
8. He's not a huge sports fan.
9. He's my best friend.
10. He's a great listener.
11. He's sweet and thoughtful.
12. He likes to play games with me.
13. We can talk and laugh for hours.
14. He wakes up with the girls so i can sleep in.
15. He puts kate to bed.
16. He'll watch sytycd with me.
17. He brings out the best in me.
18. He cooks.
19. His blue/green eyes.
20. He's a great hugger... and kisser.
21. He always thinks of me.
22. He babysits the kids so i can go out.
23. He treats me like a queen.
24. He's so supportive.
25. He likes to travel.
26. He's the best husband ever!
27. He's always so happy.
28. He has a great smile.

I love you daniel! Happy Birthday!

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