
Elder Pierce RETURNS.

After 2 years of serving a mission in Richamond, Virginia, for our church, he has come home! We are so proud of him! He worked hard and has come home a man! We were all so excited to see him that we couldn't sleep the night before. In reality, he was suppose to come home the night of June 15th. But one of his flights was delayed which forced him to miss his connecting flight to St George (yes, st.george has an airport). So we had to wait a few more hours than expected to see him. He finally arrived home early on June 16th. And what a sweet reunion it was! When he left, Kate was only 11 months old. Now she's 3! Her and her cousins were so excited to see their uncle Kyle again! They were waiting anxiously to see him come off the plane and they gave him BIG hugs right when they saw him! And here is the documentation of 'the Return.'

We made a bunch of signs to welcome him home!

a bunch of his friends were also there to welcome him.

Giving the fist pump as he's walking off the plane.
(behind him was a general authority heading to St George to created a new mission, The St George, Utah Mission)

The kiddos.


Uncle Kyle meeting Lucy.

Kyle and Carly (a good friend of his)

Dad w/Kyle and Mom w/Kyle

Elder Loveland and Elder Pierce both returning home from VA.

We stayed and hung out with Kyle the week he came home and on Sunday he gave his Homecoming talk in church. It was awesome. I can't believe how much he has grown in the past two years. All his friends were there who also served missions and now are all home! I'm so grateful for all his good friends! You guys are awesome!

We are so glad you're home, Kyle! Keep up the good work!
He's heading up to BYU for the fall and winter semesters and i'm sure he'll do great!
Love You KD.

P.S. Ladies: he's single, i can hook you up.
(he's gonna be one great husband!)


Tanner and Andrea said...

that is so exciting... we can't wait for landry to get home! maddex was only 6mo. when he left- so he has a lot of catching up to do!
i remember when my brother came home from his mission- i was soo excited to have him back!
Congrats- have fun this summer...!

Parkinson Family said...

oh yay! you updated!! great pics!

Anonymous said...

britt great pics we are all so proud of kyle he is a awesome man. love ya all dad

Linda LaPierre said...

Loved those pics Brittney! Great job! So happy Kyle is back home safe and sound. Can't wait to see you all -- hopefully in November! Keep your fingers crossed for some cheap flights! Love you all. Aunt Linda xoxox