
Kate's 3rd Birthday Party.

On June 25th we celebrated Kate's 3rd Birthday at Pump it Up! Some of her friends were there and she had ALOT of fun! It was kind of a last minute party, so i'm glad it all worked out.
Happy Birthday Kate!

At three, Kate is full of personality...

loves to smile on pose for the camera...

loves her sister and is a complete daddy's girl!

...loves to climb, play, have fun

...loves to jump, watch her favortie shows and movies

... loves to be around friends.

loves all things sweet.

loves being the center of attention...

loves cake and ice cream...

loves her mimi + papa...

and absolutely LOVES her grannybirdie.

(they really are like 2 peas in a pod... and they can entertain each other for hours!)

Thanks to all who came and celebrated with us!


Linda LaPierre said...

Wow...looks like a really fun time! Bless her little heart! Loved the photos! Love you all. Aunt Linda xoxox

Parkinson Family said...

oh how fun! too bad we couldnt be there! looks like she had a great birthday party!!!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday my beautiful 3 yr old granddaughter love ya grandpa pierce