
Lake Mead.

The first Lake trip of the summer [exactly a month ago]. Papa wanted to take out the boat before we vacationed in Lake Powell to make sure everything was working properly. We happened to go on Kate's Birthday! She was more than excited since she is basically a little fish. So we piled in a couple cars and ventured down through bolder city, to lake mead.

Kate was one of the firsts to jump in... ok, she hesitated a little, but once she was in, she loved it. The water was a bit on the colder side, but definitely refreshing.

Kate was obsessed with being the driver... so Papa and Darren let her drive with them.
Kate was also the rope holder... when the boys wake-boarded she had to make sure she held on to the rope so they wouldn't fall. She's always such a good helper.

Lucy did great on the boat and enjoyed her chicken bone for most of the ride. I don't think you could pry it away from her if you tried.

The dam...

The girls.

Uncle Kyle joined us boating and had a great time also... he is doing a great job wake-boarding!

Kyle Wake-boarding.

Darren Wake-boarding.

Daniel wake-boarding.

Kate jumping in, helping dad climb back into the boat.

Thanks mimi and papa for taking us boating! We loved it!

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