
Back to School 2010.

Or in our case, First day of School!
Can you believe it?
Where did this little gal go?
She grew up [so fast] right before my eyes!
Yep... Kate is old enough for Pre-School!
She is enrolled at Cumorah Academy in Ms. Jamie's Pre School!

We absolutely LOVE Ms. Jamie.
Ms. Jamie was in the ward we were in when Kate was born [my in-laws wonderful ward.]
And even before we had any kids we knew Ms. Jamie would be their teacher [yes, she's THAT good, trust me.]

So on August 31, we dropped our oldest off to her first day in pre school.
No tears were shed. She was ecstatic.
Ok, maybe a tiny bit nervous, but mostly just excited.

We walked her in and she went straight for the coloring table.
Then it was time to say goodbye.
I told her i'd come to pick her up in 3 hours.
She kissed me and said, "ok, bye mom!"

And at 11:30am i was back to pick her up.
She showed me her 'cubby.'
Told me about what she learned and we headed to the car hand in hand.
Then she said in an excited voice, "mom, i love, love, LOVE preschool."

On the ride home our conversation continued like this:
Kate: Mom, am i going back to school tomorrow?
Me: No, you only go 2 days a week.
Kate: But why?
Me: Well, because you're only 3.
Kate: But mom, i want to go to school all the days. i just love it.

She can't wait to go back tomorrow.
And i don't mind the little break and the opportunity to spend a little one on one time with number 2.

P.S. she'll be ONE next week!

*Something to look forward to: Photos from our Vacation to Waterton Canada.
Meanwhile, have you seen these? My very talented and lovely cousin-in-law [Jamie] took them while we were in Canada. She also did my hair and make-up. Thanks for making me look amazing, Jamie!


Nick & Lindi said...

your girls are too cute!! I also checked out those photos Jamie took of you... WOW... They are great!! At first I didn't recognize it was you!

Parkinson Family said...

awww...she looks so grown up! glad she had a good time!

Tanner and Andrea said...

I love all the pictures- she looks so cute for her first day of school! Crew also went to Ms. Jaime- Kathy had told me all about her and we had kind of planned on going to her, and then I found out she went to Cumorah- We'll have to check it out for next year.
Glad she did so well!

Anonymous said...

britt those are the greatest pics i have ever seen everyone looks awesome. love ya all dad

Linda LaPierre said...

Great pictures, Britt. Your girls are so darn cute! Love you all. Aunt Linda xoxox

Kristi H. said...

She is so cute.

Isaac loves Ms Jamie's class too. Also... he thinks every little girl's name is Kate. When I ask him anything... "Who did you play with?" "Who did you sit next to?" "Whose birthday was it today?" He always says, "Kate." Cracks me up!