
Mission Reunions...

Daniel and I were lucky enough to go up to SLC during conference weekend to attend both his mission reunions... Sans kiddos, thanks to Ron, Kathie, Cami, Tanner and Darren.
We hadn't been to his reunions for a while... and boy were they great! It was wonderful to see both his presidents (and their amazing wives) and some of his friends from the mission.
President Bowen and President Watson were both so ecstatic to see Elder Dye again. They both said such wonderful things about him that made me smile. (I am one lucky girl!) We are so glad we could go up and spend some time with these amazing men and their wives.

We love you Bowens and Watsons!!!

Barcelona, Spain Mission Reunion 2010
President and Hermana Bowen
(by the way, President Bowen is now in the 1st Quorum of the Seventy)

Barcelona, Spain Mission Reunion 2010
President and Hermana Watson

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