
Happy Mother's Day!

There are few people i admire in my life.
The women in these photos are among those of whom i love and have the utmost respect for.
They teach, guide, love, give, listen and lead by example.
They care, support, serve and are always there when i need them.
I want these women to know that i love them with all my heart.
That i am so overwhelmed with gratitude for them.
They have enriched my life beyond what they even think.
They are some of the BEST women i know!
I feel so lucky to have each one of these people in my life.
I wish each one of you a Happy Mother's Day!

Especially to my mother and my mother in law.
Thank you for loving me unconditionally.
Thank you for always giving me great advice.
Thank you for teaching me everything i know.
Thank you for being my #1 cheerleaders.
Thank you for always pushing me to do my best.
Most importantly, Thank you for being the mothers that you are and for showing me, by example, how to be the best mother i can be.
I love you both so much.

Ok, maybe i admire much more than i think. So many of you come to my mind when i think of great mothers. I wish i could write you all notes and tell you how amazing you are and how you have been such an example in my life. {I hope you know who you are}. Thank you.
And Happy Mother's Day to all.

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