
A tooth.

On October 9th, Kate lost her very first tooth.
Can you believe it?
She's 4.
A very mature 4, might i add.
She noticed it was a bit wiggly about a week before.
I didn't believe her until i checked for myself.
And sure enough, it was loose.
I do remember (at her last dental apt) that her dentist told me it would be soon that that tooth would come out, but i guess i didn't believe him either.
She likes her new look.

That night, she put her tooth and a note under her pillow and anticipated the infamous tooth fairy.
And when she woke up she found $5 and a note.
She was thrilled!
The tooth fairy was good to her.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! Your toothfairy is awesome! I want to lose my tooth at your house! Kate is darling.
