
Meet my new best friends.

Yes... You see that right. It's Meri, Robyn, Janelle and Kody. Most of you know them as Sister Wives. I now know them as my friends!!! You think I'm lying, but I'm really not. My friend Steph was there and saw it all, this is the beginning of a great friendship! Woop woop!!

How did this happen you ask? Well I can't disclose a ton of information. They are celebrities and I would like to respect their privacy, and since we are friends now that wouldn't be very friendly of me to disclose information that should not be disclosed. But I can tell you that a friend of mine (steph, pictured above, on the left) was dining at a local casino and spotted them in a meeting. She immediately called me. I was actually in the middle of Young Women's and I totally ditched the rest and headed over. I made it there and saw my friends, Steph and Danny and we walked over and met the Sister Wives and Kody. We chatted for a solid 10 mins and they really want to be our friends! I explained how I ditched YW to come meet them and they were thrilled and couldn't believe it. They then had to get back to their meeting... So Steph, Danny and I went back to their table and they finished their dinner. As we were leaving we bought some ice cream and we walked passed them again to say a polite goodbye. Well we ended up chatting for another solid 15 mins. They were asking me and Steph advice and about our kids and play dates etc. We were totally flattered. They must have talked about us after we left the first time cause Kody asked which of us left church to come here. Haha. But seriously, they are my friends and I couldn't be more excited!!

P.S. I totally owe Danny and Steph for calling me! Thanks guys!
P.S.S I actually introduced the show to Danny and Steph one night they were at our house. They stayed til the wee hours of the morning watching my TiVoed sister wives shows!! So glad they recognized them!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. That is totally awesome! I heard they just moved to Vegas. You will have to show them around the town! :)

  2. hahaha i think this is hilarious! I love the sister wives. Let me know when you meet up for play dates...ill bring mo. hahahahaha....
    where's jodi??

  3. Brittney:

    I'm super jealous!!! I am an avid Sister Wives fan. Yea for you!


  4. You are so funny! Bless your heart! Love you all. Aunt Linda xoxox

  5. this cracks me up...you're funny!!
