
The Birth Story...

'There is no way i will have this baby early', is what i thought. I wasn't due til February 20th. I had gone to the doctor on Feb 1st and was surprised i was dilated to a 2. I had been having contractions on and off, nothing serious or painful, and throughout the next few days was the same. On Friday, February 3rd my friends and family threw me an AMAZING baby shower (that's a post in it's own). I was quite uncomfortable and tired through the night, but again, nothing serious. My mom and sister surprised me by coming down for the night, it was so great to have them there. After the shower my mom, sister, sandy (my cousin), aunt rocio and i went back to my house and got a bunch of things organized. Then mom and lindsey headed back to st george around midnight.
I finally got in bed a bit after midnight, but between contractions and having to use the bathroom every few minutes i didn't get much sleep. Around 5:30 am, on Feb. 4, i was wide awake and started to time the contractions because they didn't seem like they were going to stop. So i timed them for an hour. They were 5 minutes apart for a minute long consistent for an hour. At around 6:30 am i woke Daniel up and said, "Um, i think i might have this baby today." Not sure he really believed me, but i told him i was going to get ready just in case. So i hopped in the shower and by then my contractions had gotten closer (every 3 minutes) and a bit more painful. I got ready and then started to pack the hospital bag for myself and baby. I went downstairs to see Daniel playing xbox. Apparently he really didn't think i was serious. Haha. After telling him i was ready to go to the hospital he immediately texted his mom and got ready. Cami (my sister in law) came over to watch the girls and we headed to Summerlin Hospital.

We got to the Hospital at around 8:40ish. They took a while to get us checked in and things sorted out. And while we were waiting we heard a nurse in the hall talking to my doctor on the phone. Another nurse came in and said, let me check you since Dr. Harter is on the phone we can let him know where you are at. (I had told Daniel on the ride there that i was sure i would be at least a 4, but i was really hoping to be a 6.) So she checked me and said, "You're at 6!" So they decided to admit me and get me into a L&D room.

We finally got into a room and at about 10:30ish i finally got the epidural, although it didn't really work. At around 11:30ish i was telling the nurse that i was ready to push. She came back checked me and said i was only a 7/8. Then 15 mins later, i had Sandy go get the nurse again, cause i was sure this baby was ready to come, i was in quite some pain.

She came back in and said that i had two choices, i could get another epidural or just push. I told her i just wanted to push. Within minutes Dr. Harter was in the room and he told me to go ahead and push. I pushed about 5 times and our sweet baby boy was born at 12:12 pm.

He, of course, was the sweetest, most perfect baby ever! Weighing in at 6 pounds and 9 ounces and measuring 19 inches long. He had BIG feet and LONG fingers, the softest cry, dark hair and the cutest little dimple.

Dr. Harter (the best doctor in the world!) congratulated us.

Everyone was swooning over our cute baby boy.

They finally gave him back to me and i was in heaven!

He is one proud dad.

Mimi and Kate came to visit shortly after baby boy was born. And then is when we started deliberating over the name. Originally the names were between Henry and Miles. Daniel and i went back and forth thinking which one fit him best. Kate thought he looked like a Miles, although throughout the whole pregnancy she called him Henry. A few others thought he looked like a Henry. Daniel and i eventually didn't think he looked like either name. Deliberation stopped for a bit so we could think about it.

Meanwhile, Grammy and Lindsey, came back down to Vegas from St George even though they had just went back to St George the very night before. They brought Grandpa and Uncle Kev to see our new addition. Can you tell they were in heaven too?

After getting moved to a postpartum room, Mimi came back and brought Lucy to meet baby brother. By then Daniel and i had been discussing baby boys name. Daniel had said that he didn't think Henry or Miles were a right fit, i agreed and told him to just pick a name. He threw out a couple names and one just stuck. Mason. He said it once and we both knew that was going to be his name. And so it was set... Mason Daniel Dye.

Lucy was completely in love with her baby brother and wanted to hold him every chance she could get.

Can you already tell that this little boy is going to have alot of 'mothers' growing up.

I seriously can not get enough of this tiny baby boy. My tiniest baby yet. We love our little Mason.

The end. xo.

Stay tuned for his birth announcement and photos with his sisters... i will post them as soon as i get them mailed out.


  1. What a cutie! And of course you looked stunning! Congratulations.

  2. 1. You look amazing. Who doesn't swell on fluids??? Clearly you. Seriously, amazing.
    2. These photos make me want to have the experience all over again!
    3. Mason is a peach! Oh my gosh that bottom right picture makes me want to cry!

  3. These photos are beautiful, Britt! And, you...you'd never know you just gave birth. Gorgeous! Love you all. Aunt Linda xoxox

  4. You do look great! I hope things go that way for me! Small baby, weeks early, looking fabulous... these are all things that I want.

  5. awwww..great post!!! congratulations!!!

  6. Brit you look absolutely beautiful! You are my 2nd friend in the month of February who had their baby way early! Funny. Mason is perfect and I love seeing you with all your three kiddos. So precious. Love you and miss you!

  7. Great story. You'll be so glad you have it written down. I love all the pictures. You look great, as usual. What a great family!!!

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