
4 months...

Where has the time gone! My baby is 4 months old already! Haven't taken her for a check up yet, but when i do her stats will surely be posted. Adorable, isn't she?

At 4 months, Lucy Loves:
-to go for car rides
-to be held
-to watch her big sister
-to play with toys in her bouncer
-to eat
-to be cuddled
-to lay all sprawled out on the floor

She is trying hard to roll over.
She is liking to be on her tummy more and more.
Time is going a little fast for my liking.
Happy 4 months baby girl!


  1. I can't get over how pretty she is!

  2. love the 2nd photo. beautiful. my kate is jealous of her hair. she told me so.

  3. How precious! She's beautiful! And growing so fast! Love you all! Aunt Linda. xoxo
