
My two.


She is now 2 1/2. When did she get so big?
She has a wonderful imagination.
She's starting to remember her dreams, which makes for some laughs.
She loves bikes.
She loves to paint/draw/color.
She loves to fix things, thanks to Santa for her tools!
She is obsessed with Tinker Bell.
She talks so much!
She poses for pictures.
She has the sweetest personality.
She loves everyone.
She is an absolute joy to have around!
Her terrible twos have definitely tested my patience at times, but her smile puts a smile on my face.
I love this little girl.


She is the perfect baby. Kate is lucky to have her.
She is sweetly sensitive.
She loves to smile.
She loves, loves, loves her big sister.
She is calm.
She loves to cuddle.
She loves to have something in her hand while she's sleeping.
She has recently taken an interest in toys.
I want her to stay small forever!
She is growing too fast, way too fast.
I am enjoying her so much, she makes me want to have a whole bunch more.
She is a doll.
I love my lucy.


  1. Love what you said about each one of your little gals! They're both so beautiful! Love you all. Aunt Linda xoxox

  2. What a darling post! Really makes me want a sweet baby girl. Although the hyper boy jumping on tables and bleeding profusely from the head is fun too, most of the time!

  3. you're two little ones are so sweet. i could just squeeze lucy all day. hope you guys had a great christmas... looks like kate really enjoyed it. *bring the girls over if you see my car at kathys!
