
Dancing Queen...

K* loves loves loves music and dancing... Her love for music and dancing has fascinated me... This 10 month old baby will sit through ONE WHOLE HOUR of America Idol, watching the performers sing... then as everyone claps she will clap too... And if she is not sitting, she is dancing, still watching, still listening and still so much excited about each song.
And from the time she figured out how to play the music on her exer-saucer she constantly pulls herself up, presses the button (or buttons on gmas exer-saucer) and will smile BIG and dance, bounce and shake. Then she will press the button(s) again and do it all over! I'm a little biased since she is my baby... but i think it is the cutest thing ever!!!! These pictures are the middle of her 'dancing.' I LOVE IT, and I LOVE HER!


Parkinson Family said...

when we see each other next we need to turn on the music and watch them dance, Tyler loves it too!

Mom said...

That's definitely the spanish in her!!!ha ha
Love you

Jack Attack said...

if she needs a dance partner, Jack's got some pretty awesome moves.