Thanks to Cami for staying with Kate, Daniel and I were able to go to the Stratosphere with our good friends, adam and michelle. Up the elevated over 109 floors high and to the top... Daniel and i bought tickets for the INSANITY ride and the BIG SHOT... adam and michelle join us on the BIG SHOT. It was so much fun and such a rush... the big shot literally made me feel like i was flying right off the top (i don't remember it being that scary in high school). What a fun night! Thanks for coming with us, adam and michelle... and thanks for watching kate, cami (and ktie for rocking her back to bed when she woke up.) xoxo.

Ahhh i don't know if i can do that thing again!...it was way fun though but yeah way more scary than i remember!
im glad i passed on this adventure babysitting kate (falling alseep on the couch) was a MUCH better choice trust me!!! scary!
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