
Yesterday, at approx. 4:15 pm...

my house looked like this...

A while back a few friends of mine posted on their blogs a 'not so perfect day post.'
Highlighting that us, bloggers, usually post about all the major events/fun trips/great times, etc. on our blogs... making it seem like we live the 'Oh, so perfect lives.'
Well, in following their posts, here is what my everydays look like, at around 4:15pm.

And here's another angle... the part you can't really see in the above photo.

This IS my everyday... and i love it! [most of the time]
What does your everyday look like?


Hibbard Family said...

oh man i love your little girls, they are sooo adorable! they do look so much a like i think.

Chels Allred said...

haha i am all about this kind of blog post. i definitely do not lead a cupcake life. thanks for sharing and making me feel like im not the only mess around! :)

S said...

I absolutely love that you posted this! Thanks Brit... :)

Anonymous said...

britt then you just clean up and get ready for the next day with your beautiful little girls. love ya all dad

Kristi H. said...

What a cute post!

Shelley said...

Haha, I love it! Your girls are so cute, and so big! Thanks for letting us peek into your lives!

lilsusha said...

Um YES, I will be showing this post to Jon. Just to prove to him that we are NORMAL!! Thank you!