
Mom's Wedding...

Mom got married last Saturday, and if i'm being completely honest, it was a bitter-sweet feeling. Bitter- Sad to see that the family i was born into, grew up with, shared experiences with, played with, traveled with, and loved will no longer be "together" again. Yes, i cried... (please excuse the intimacy of this post... these are just my feelings.) Mom and Dad got divorced about 3 years ago, about the same time i got married... And let me tell you, even as an adult, it is hard to see your parents separated. I was already a college girl when all this even came to surface, so as a child i remember a happy, loving, caring, fun home, with both my parents living happily ever after... it is quite difficult for me now, especially because i talk to Daniel about my childhood/parents a lot and now, it seems like i have completely different parents... I always tell him that i wish he could see my parents/family, as we were growing up... at times i feel as i don't even know my parents anymore. Anyway, i probably shouldn't go on about that... cause i can probably go on for days, Lindsey can attest to that, she has been my strength through this, my best friend (besides daniel), that i can talk to about all of this. Thanks Linds! Well after all those thoughts, there comes the sweet, which is that my mom is happy, and i guess that is all i can ask for, right? And she looked absolutely beautiful... And although i might not be jumping for complete joy, i just have to let go and focus on my eternal family, cause in the end, that is what matters... My newly blooming family... I love you Daniel & Kate!! Anyway, here are pictures of the day...

The 4 of us...

linds, dave - daniel, me


lindsey, kevin, kyle, brittney

mom and the kiddos (kate, tyler & hailey)

kate and hailey looked so adorable in their matching outfits... and tyler in his little suit.

K* loved this chair and was pushing it all around

Uncle Kyle and Kate... Don't worry Kyle, i will show these pictures to Kate for the next 2 years so she won't forget you. (she'll almost be 3 when you get home!!)

the girls

kate and tyler

me and kate!

tyler would get on the floor and crawl with kate... it was so cute!




Tara and Spencer Frye said...

i love you girl!
Everyone looks beautiful!

Linda LaPierre said...

You said it all, Britt! You have such beautiful memories of growing up in a happy home...cherish those! Your mom looked absolutely beautiful and so did all of you. All will be well, I'm sure. Love you all. Aunt Linda xoxox

Kara Benson said...

Your dress is so cute! Best of luck to your mom! love ya!

Parkinson Family said...

great post, fun pics, like the editing too!

parky said...

Britt I just need to say you did a fantastic job on these posts as always, it really is so much fun to see the posts. I love what you have done with the pics andthanks for always hooking my wife up and making her look soooo HOT! you guys are awesome

Las Vegas Hulet Family said...

Great pics Brit! You never told me your mom was a hottie like you!

carly said...

Hey Brit! you take the best pictures. your family looks so cute. and those pictures of elder pierce/kyle are so dreamy haha. i love them

jules said...

Your mom looks amazing. You too of course :) Love you!